The Principals

Dynamic Recruiting was started strictly as a direct placement recruiting firm. Service offerings have dramatically expanded since that day in 2007 but, the core of the business remains finding candidates with specialized skill sets and putting them to work for the clients we serve. Over the decades we have successfully placed top tier candidates, the roles have changed, but the principals behind how we work have not. Those principals hinge on doing deep dives into candidate prospecting, uncovering and contacting passive jobseekers, and cold calling potential hires vs. the simple job board outreach of many agencies. Going the extra mile in all we do and providing the highest levels of client support. This support relies on honest communication about where searches are at including shared metrics of candidate flow and search progress. Feedback to clients on any roadblocks that may be constraining candidate flow and most important producing results in the form of qualified, hirable submittals.

  • Unprecedented guarantee

    Many placement companies only stand behind a placement for 30 - 60 days. Dynamic Recruiting knows that in that short of at time it is very difficult to see if someone is a fit or not and for that reason, we offer an enhanced replacement guarantee on every person we get hired through our Direct Placement services.

  • Fixed Fee Structure

    The start of any long term, mutually beneficial relationship should be based on honesty, integrity and clear expectations. Our fee structure for direct placements reflects this and rewards clients for continued support by lowering fees over time.

  • Regulatory Compliance

    Many of Dynamic Recruiting's customers are Government contractors or subcontractors. As such, we know the need to remain compliant to regulatory measures from the EEOC to OFCCP. Our recruiting methods take this into account and provide our clients with the peace of mind that in using our services they will not be putting themselves at risk in the event of an audit.

What makes us stand out

Often our staff is asked what their "niche'" is. The answer is always that our specialty is providing top tier companies with top talent through a partnership based model.

Over the course of time we have gained invaluable experience working across industry and roles, being a chameleon of sorts that thrives on filling the "difficult" jobs.

Literally thousands of positions have been filled by our staff and roles successfully placed range from C-suite executives to line level technicians and everything between.